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As a founding member I am very proud of this Club's growth and maturity. The current President, Vickie Baker from Palm Coast, FL. She is an exciting leader and is already building future events. One of her most challenging will be the Club's Water Activities.
Past Presidents include Roy Cawley, the first President, Me, Tom Leather. Tom and his wife Judy are the couple who have brought the sport of Water training for our dogs to the south. They over see water trials and teach water training camps throughout the summer months. Karen Childers ended her term in 2018. She stepped in organizing the Club and setting many new policies. I can not go without the mention of a key officer/Treasurer Barbara Williams who passed away unexpectedly in 2018. Barbara organized our Club's membership & website as well as finances.Â
The United Sunshine States Portuguese Water Dog Club (USSPWDC) is a club whose members either own or are interested in Portuguese Water Dogs, and who enjoy activities with these dogs and their people. Sanctioned by the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America as the Southeastern regional club, the USSPWDC draws members from Florida, Georgia and Alabama, with our activities held in a number of different locations.
In addition to promoting the quality of the Portuguese water dog and its standard, the Club actively promotes and protects the interest of the breed with sportsmanlike competitions. Sponsored activities include dog shows and competitive events, sporting trials, training classes, and canine health and educational seminars. The most popular activities revolve around water and water competitions, and highlight the history and traditions of this working fisherman's dog.
Each new owner of a puppy bred by a USSPWDC member receives a one year membership. The puppy owner must go to the web site and submit their request for this free membership.Â

Upcoming USSPWDC Activities at our place
Water Camp will start at my place in March starting with a land training for water.
To sign up for camps and find more events on the USSPWDC calendar page.
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