Atlas & Maxie now showing
Atlas and Maxie are our Portuguese Water Dog puppies that are currently showing. Atlas earned his AKC Championship this summer will...

Now it is time to try food!
The Torrid Zone Pups are hungry and time to add food other than what comes from Mom. They covered themselves in their first try of food...

Roxie, training is the key
This is Roxie. She is Wreakless X Blizzard's daughter bred by Me, owned by Christie Barnes in New Smyrna Beach. Christie owned a small...

Blaze wins Best of Breed Again!
At the Show in Louisville Kentucky, sponsored by the Evansville Kennel Club with a competitive line up of seven top boys, a total of ten...

USSPWDC Land training for Water
We hosted a training event at our property yesterday for the Regional Club the United Sunshine States PWD Club. Tom and Judy Leather did...

A glimmer of eyes peaking now.
It is starting my favorite time of their progress when their eyes begin to open and they realize the warm body they have been snuggling...

The end of the first week
The litter is starting on their feet. They pull themselves up and try to walk but sometimes this ends up in a tumble rolling over...

Spark's litter with Steely Dan
Spark's pups were born on the 3rd of March. Six boys, two girls, all wavy. The two girls are brown, and two of the boys are brown. I'm...